2020 Course Studies
Essential Tattoo Course

Offered in your choice of morning, evening or even weekend classes, the Essential Tattoo Course is designed to offer you an all-inclusive curriculum to prepare you for the vast opportunities that exist in the exciting tattoo world. Whether you are just beginning your career as a tattoo artist or are looking to sharpen your skill set, this 200 hour course will provide you with everything you need to begin your journey…
- History of tattooing
- Biomedical/Blood borne pathogen training
- Needle & Tube applications
- Color theories & complimentary applications
- Sterilization applications
- Lining, shading & blending
- Tattoo drawing principles
- Tattoo machine maintenance, troubleshooting & tuning
- Aseptic Techniques and Sterilization Practices
- Tattoo practice & portfolio creation
- Tattoo studio business applications
Essential Piercing CoursE

The Essential Piercing Course has been designed to offer you an all-inclusive curriculum that will allow you to begin your career immediately as a licensed piercer in the state of Florida upon your completion. This 40 hour course is designed to help you develop both the professional and business skills necessary to prepare you for your new career…
- History of piercing
- Bio-waste training
- Needle gauges & body placements
- Operational techniques & applications
- Infectious diseases and microorganisms
- Jewelry & body parts introduction
- Station set-up, supplies, practice
- Aseptic techniques and sterilization practices
- Piercing ethics & customer appreciation
- Studio operations
Upon graduation, you will be provided with all necessary piercing equipment to begin your exciting new career including clamps, receiving tubes, jewelry starter kit & more!
History – Beauty – Culture
Florida Tattoo Academy is minutes from the historic Sponge Docks district of Tarpon Springs Florida, a sponge diving town filled with diverse restaurants, boutiques, nightlife, diving expeditions and endless nature surroundings. Florida Tattoo Academy provides artists from all over the world the unique opportunity to fulfill their dreams of becoming a professional tattoo artist and to further their career. With over 50 years experience in providing hands on education throughout the tattoo industry, our teachers are not only highly experienced artists but truly caring individuals that want to see you succeed in our incredibly rewarding industry.